
Welcome to The Surpluss’ complimentary Business Carbon Calculator. We believe that every company should have the right to access resources to assist them in their climate adaptation and mitigation journeys. As a Race to Zero Accelerator, we are offering this report entirely free of charge – no matter your company size.

What does a business carbon footprint entail?

A carbon footprint is the output of a carbon accounting process. A high-quality carbon footprint represents the sum total of a company’s greenhouse gas emissions, including Scopes 1-3, and serves as the basis for the company’s emissions reductions goals (such as science-based or net zero targets) and progress. Regulatory frameworks in the US, EU, and elsewhere require many companies to disclose their carbon footprint annually, often in concert with financial disclosures.

What does a business carbon footprint entail?

Carbon accounting is the foundation for climate reporting, disclosure, targets, and reductions—which is why it’s so important to get right. Further, many companies, it’s now a requirement. Regulations in Europe and the US will soon require many companies to report emissions data, often with the same level of fidelity (and scrutiny) as financial disclosures. In addition, investors and consumers are calling for greater transparency on climate data, and a growing number of companies are requiring their suppliers and partners to disclose emissions data and climate action plans

Business Emissions Report

STEP 1 of 12

  Company Information


Data input method
If you don’t have the total annual data for the activities, you can opt for monthly average values

FRAMEWORK & METHODOLGY: This calculator is according to GHG Protocol’s Corporate Standard and is suitable for SME’s. The GHG Protocol is a leading framework used globally for Carbon Footprint Accounting & Reporting.

Scope-1 Emissions

Scope-1 emissions are direct GHG emissions that a company is directly responsible of, for example consuming fossil fuels under the control of the company

Scope-2 Emissions

Scope-2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions that a company is not directly responsible of like heating, electricity, etc.

Scope-3 Emissions

Scope-3 emissions are other indirect GHG emissions that a company is not directly responsible of, for example air travel, employee commuting, etc.